Preparation Strategy

  • Familiarise yourself with the contents of this website.
  • Read the preliminary information in the free Information Booklet.
  • Work through the free practice questions provided in the Information Booklet.
  • Work through the additional MSAP Practice Tests available for purchase if you feel you require the extra practice with these types of questions.


Online Platform Demo

In order for you to familiarise yourself with the online test delivery platform, the MSAP Ireland Office has provided an online demo for you to navigate and explore.

The purpose of this demo is not to provide additional practice questions but rather, to provide candidates with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the online test delivery platform. We encourage you to try the demo so that you understand the functionality of the platform and you know what to expect when you undertake your MSAP Ireland exam.

To access the online Demo, login to your ACER user account, and under ‘Your registrations click on the ‘Manage’ button next to MSAP Ireland.

At the top of your registration dashboard, under the header ‘Online Platform Demo’, click on the ‘Module 2 Online Demo’ or ‘Module 3 Online Demo’ button. Then click on the ‘View Demo’ button.

Please note: none of the questions that appear in the demo will be marked. This is for familiarisation of the delivery platform only, so please do not contact the MSAP Ireland Office seeking feedback or results. The answers to these questions are in the Information Booklet which can be downloaded from the website.