
ACER will not enter into appeals against MSAP-Ireland test results.

Candidates are advised that MSAP Ireland test results are released only after careful calculation and extensive checking. Requests for remarking will not be considered.

Should you have any complaint about a particular question on the day of the test, you must alert the remote proctor to your concern and submit an email to the MSAP Office at ACER immediately after completing the test. Your complaint will be reviewed and you will be notified of the outcome. Similarly, any complaints relating to the test sitting should be reported to the remote proctor during the test, or by email to the MSAP Office immediately after the test.

It is not possible to give special consideration for impaired performance on the day of the test caused by unexpected or minor illness or misadventure.

Once results have been issued, no further resits or consideration can be given to complaints or difficulties experienced during the test. Results will not be amended for any perceived difficulties experienced